SCR catalytic converters in the future for all Opel diesel

Rüsselsheim, Germany, 30 March 2016

The VW diesel affair has shaken up the industry, and is still not completely off the table, suspected that the vehicles of other manufacturers have higher emissions than specified. Opel now confront such suspicions with an offensive.

From 2018 only with SCR-system

So, the Rüsselsheim from 2018 want to equip all diesel models with SCR catalysts. This kind of exhaust after-treatment reduced nitrogen oxide emissions by injection of the urea solution AdBlue, forming harmless nitrogen with the participation of the catalyst. June 2016, Opel Insignia, first 57,000 European cars of the types of Zafira tourer and Cascada wants to retrofit. Then to Opel from August 'more effective applications of SCR diesel technology in new vehicles implement". What does that mean, is still not saying Opel. It should be but an improvement in the terms of the new RDE-NOx rules.

Nitrogen oxide emissions in the real traffic

The new RDE emission regulations in force from September 2017. While the emissions not only on the chassis dynamometer are measured, but also in real traffic therefore the abbreviation RDE (real driving emission). So to be excluded, that cars meet the emission standards only in the rather artificial test environment while they emit several times in reality how previously on many models of the case.

WLTP consumption on a Web site

Often criticized also the completely unrealistic consumption according to the NEDC standard applicable. Therefore, Opel from end of June 2016 also published the consumption according to the realistic WLTP cycle (worldwide harmonized light-duty vehicles test procedure). He will officially be introduced at us from 2017. These results, which include a consumption range with a low and a high number, are published on the Internet, initially for the Astra. The figures of further models will follow.

Disclosure of the engine software?

The campaign includes a point: Opel wants to "Calibration strategies of the engines as the basis for a forward-looking dialogue provided" regulatory authorities from August 2016. This may mean that the competent Federal motor transport authority with insight into the engine control software. Such disclosure would have resulted in the case of VW perhaps, that the cheating would be blown at an early stage. The auto industry had rejected yet strictly with regard to trade secrets.

For trust and competitive advantage

The voluntary introduction of improvements explains the brand Chairman Karl-Thomas Neumann: "I firmly believe that the diesel technology just then in the future will play an important role in Europe, if the industry consistently continues the path of continuous improvement." It's go to the trust of the customers, but also "to the competitive advantages of the European automotive industry in diesel technology". (sl)
