Tesla produces the half more

Tesla has in the third quarter, significantly more cars are produced. According to the company had a total of 80.142 vehicles of the band, an increase of 50 percent compared to the earlier record, that in the second quarter was achieved.

Ceo Elon Musk may be located in harsh weather, his plants are running at full speed, with a substantial production growth as a result. In the Model 3 went to 53.239 cars, almost doubling compared with the volume of production in the second quarter. This figure corresponds to the expectations of Tesla. There was a goal for 50,000 to 55,000 cars. Of the Model S and X were 26.903 cars built, a slight increase on a quarterly basis and also according to the own forecasts.

The deliveries amounted to in the last period 83.500 vehicles. Tesla argues that this alone amounts to more than 80 percent of the total deliveries by the company throughout 2017. The objective, the delivery of 100,000 cars of the Model S and X in 2018, remains unchanged.

The company from Palo Alto gave to much problems in the production and delivery in the last quarter have been addressed. Tesla wants to further improvements in these processes so that the production continues to accelerate. Ceo Elon Musk spoke earlier of a "productiehel" and "logistical hell" at the company.

Tesla showed further know that the construction of its plant in the Chinese Shanghai speed. That way, the company wants the Chinese import duties on foreign cars and the costs for the transport of cars by sea around.

Last weekend, reached Musk a settlement with the U.s. beurswaakhond SEC. The SEC accused Musk of fraud by on Twitter to mention about a privatisation of Tesla and thus investors on the wrong foot. He has to his position as chairman of Tesla for three years down and Tesla and Musk have each a fine of 20 million dollar pay.

Also in our country is to note that the Tesla (on the production line at least) for the wind. The Model S was last month 1.052 once registered, making the electric battleship number two state in the models-top-five of september, wedged in between the modest Opel Karl and Kia Picanto.
