Electric mobility ...und it is worth it!
...und is it worth it!
After the decision to accelerate the E-mobility on Germany's roads by a buyer's bonus of 4000 euros for pure electric cars and 3,000 euros for hybrid vehicles, the Federal Government in Berlin was mainly emotional criticism. That ranged from "Advertisement out money" to "Technical nonsense". Now, researchers zuleibe were the pros and cons of State support on a scientific basis. The result is surprising.
The maintenance costs for electric-powered cars strain the purse of their owners less than spending on cars with internal combustion engine, because not only the cost per kilometre coincides with current noticeably lower in weight than for petrol or diesel with the Otto engine or diesel. Also the maintenance costs remain among them. On the other hand electric or hybrid vehicles but considerably more expensive, what are considered important reason for this, that decide many car buyers against them. Well, there's the purchase premium. Will it change anything on the restraint? Daphne and Philipp Spichartz, researcher of the Institute for energy technology and Leistungsmechatronik of the Ruhr-University Bochum from Prof. Dr. Constantinos Sourkounis wanted to know Philip how the award affect the payback period of electric cars. You newly evaluated current vehicle prices and the data from a study carried out by them already to the practicality of electric cars under this aspect.
"Electric vehicles is worthwhile especially in case of intensive use, with high-performance", both scientists explain. "Through the buyer's bonus, a return on investment for frequent travellers is a possible part after one to three years, then they already save money compared to cars with internal combustion engines. On the other hand electric vehicles at average or even below average mileage related to the life of the vehicle can be economic than comparable conventional vehicles." Calculations showed that the electric car is cheaper to up to 13 years. The additional cost of a range extender or Plug-In hybrid vehicles pay for themselves only with heavy use of electric range. For the extra price, buyer or purchaser but definitely get a sportier ride and more fun.
In figures, this means: do small cars are cheaper than small cars with internal combustion engines even at lower utilization of 7000 kilometers per year without premium over the entire life of the vehicle. The researchers have calculated "With the bonus of buying pays for itself after not more than 3.3 years".
The decision for an electric car of the lower middle class is more complicated: the selection is greater and the price differences to appropriate internal combustion engine cars vary greatly. Thus came the scientists on payback times between two years and unrealistic 30 years. With promoting some of these vehicles pay off however after 2 years. When another manufacturer pays off, however, with promotion in high use only after more than 4 years. A comparison of the models makes therefore sense.
For frequent travellers, the purchase of a so-called Plug-In can worth hybrids or range extender. These cars have both a battery power and a combustion engine, which then comes on if the battery is empty. So, the range of the car is greater. Who drives much, about 28 000 kilometres per year according to the half electric and petrol-driven, for the purchase of the considered vehicles of lower middle class pays off with premium after 4.2 years compared to a petrol engine. Without government support of 3,000 euros, the limit would be at 7.8 years. The more electrically driven, the payback period is the shorter. It is a percentage of purely electrical operation of 80 per cent, which implies a high number of loading options, which of course still is lacking, for example at 2.5 years. Compared with diesel vehicles, which are generally preferred by users at such high mileage is to determine worth at present almost exclusively with promotion. The return on investment at about 98 850 km will be purely electrical Usage is high (80 per cent).
"The promotion helps quickly to recoup the remaining additional cost of electric vehicles and thus increasing sales," believes Professor of Constantinos Sourkounis. "The hoped-for more sales should lead to lower production costs within a few years, making more sales incentives no longer would be required through grants in the future." In spite of the low-maintenance power train electric vehicles, today often similarly high prices such as for vehicles with internal combustion engines are required for inspections. Should these costs, an electric car worth even faster and with lower mileage. Insurance companies are even slightly more expensive than those of vehicles with internal combustion engines because of new technology and of the missing experience values of potential repair costs. This will put into perspective in a larger number of users, he suggested. (ampnet/hrr)