Diesel-Summit: All The Results

Berlin, 2. August 2017

This appointment was eagerly awaited: Today, the heads of the major German auto companies met with the Prime Minister and the Federal Minister of the environment under the chairmanship of the Federal Minister of transport Dobrindt to the car-top. Now the result is known. It is summarized as follows: Software instead of Hardware and the avoidance of General driving bans.

Retrofitting of five million Cars

What has been decided? The most important point: The German Car manufacturer to offer, voluntarily, a majority of its Euro-5 Diesel and partly Euro-6 Diesel about Software Updates retrofit. Including the 2.5 million already from the Volkswagen group, converted cars, it's more than five million vehicles. The retrofitting is carried out immediately after approval by the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) BMW, Daimler, Opel and Volkswagen. The course is also says that the holders incur no costs and the retrofitting, will have no impact on engine performance, fuel consumption or service life. The target is an average reduction of nitrogen oxides by 25 to 30 percent of the retrofitted vehicles.

Voluntary premiums for Alt-Diesel

In addition, according to the German Association of the automotive industry (VDA), "manufacturer-specific distribution measures", in order to attract even older Diesel from the traffic. How it looks, BMW is known already. Accordingly, it is intended to give in a timely manner until the end of 2017 depending on the model, an "environmental bonus" of up to 2,000 euros if a BMW i3, a Plug-in Hybrid or a Euro 6-new vehicles of the brands Mini and BMW will be bought. Additional state incentives such as the environmental bonus for electrified cars will not be affected. BMW speaks incidentally of around 225,000 Euro-5 diesel cars that are on the part of the brand currently in Germany.

What will the future bring?

Both the Federal government and the Länder are committed to the principle of technology neutrality. The car companies stress that the Diesel is part of a "future-proof and sustainable mix of drive systems". At the same time you are going to invest, by 2020, roughly 40 billion in the development of new electric cars and their number tripled. The state of the avoidance of General driving was banned a priority.

Improvement by new cycle

Interestingly, a number of the Federal environmental Agency, in accordance with the nitrogen oxide emissions of road transport in the period 1990 to 2015 in Germany, 70 percent went back. With regard to the test bench deviation of newer Diesel nitrogen oxide limit value, the manufacturer refer to the discrepancy between the dynamometer driving cycles and real traffic. This deviation is to be reduced by retrofitting noticeable. More realistic measurements of promises from the new RDE cycle that applies across Europe, starting in 2017 for new type-approved Cars.(rh)
