Verkeersofficier wants more row exclusion

Serious verkeersovertreders have more of a heavier punishment, and must not get off with the conditional surrender of the licence. That says verkeersofficier Achilles Damen in The Telegraph. "There needs to be an appropriate sanction follow unacceptable behaviour that human lives or on the line."

The verkeersofficier understand that for many people the punishment of a person who caused an accident is often not in proportion to the suffering that is caused. "Our requirements are often higher, but it is ultimately the judge who is determining the penalty," he says. "I would like that more often an unconditional driving ban is imposed."

According to Damen, the court will often take into account the personal circumstances, if he has a sanction imposed by a defendant. "This is a beroepschauffeur too often from with a conditional punishment. While he, as a professional, understand the good example."
