Recall for Toyota Auris and Prius

Toyota calls worldwide 2,42 million cars back to the garage. In the Netherlands, a small 40 thousand pieces, so let the importer, if requested know.

Of 2,42 million cars that Toyota recall to the garage, drive there are 1.25 million cars in Toyota's home country. 830.000 copies in the United States sold while there 290.000 pcs in Europe, a visit to the garage. Also in the Netherlands, the car's back, a total of 39.349 pieces.

It relates instances of the Prius, Prius+ and the Auris Hybrid from specific model years. Toyota's hybrids have software that in the event of possible internal defects the car in 'limp home' brings. This is a mode in which the power is reduced in order to avoid any resulting damage. In very rare cases this protective mode is not activated, and switches the hybrid system itself.

In the Netherlands, comes to 18.872 copies of the third-generation Prius between October 2008 and February 2014 are built. Also 6.255 owners of the Toyotas Prius+ between October 2011 and november 2014 are built, have a visit to the garage. The Auris is the only Hybrid for 14.222 copies which between may 2010 and may 2014 were produced. Owners will of course get a message from Toyota and their car free of charge offer for a software update.
