Less traffic fines in cao-actions police

The collective actions that the politiebonden this summer argued, have ensured that the number of traffic fines is something decreased. That conclusion is to draw from the figures that the ministry of Justice and Security on Thursday published. In the time police action performed for more wages and better working conditions, they wrote less fines.

In the period may to August, more than 3.2 million fines for traffic violations imposed, about 200,000 less than in the same period last year.

The distributed traffic fines are for speeding, red light driving, and non-hands-free calling behind the wheel. In the vast majority of cases (almost 2.8 million) were the snelheidsovertredingen000 traffic fines. That there is something more than the almost 426.000 in the same period in 2017. It was mainly Germans, Belgians, and Poles that a fine were imposed.

The majority of the fines for speeding found with digital means of enforcement, says the ministry. Especially controls on the A2 in both directions between Utrecht and Amsterdam), A12 (Utrecht) and the A10 (ring Amsterdam) gave the treasury a lot of money on. However, the mobile sets of the police less traffic violations it found.

The number of fines for driving without a seat belt increased significantly: from more than 14,000 to nearly 11,000.

The list of traffic fines every four months by the ministry in cooperation with the National Police, the Public prosecution service (OM) and the Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB).
