Flexible car sharing is always everyday

CarSharing is no passing fad, but become more and more in everyday life. While users rely on a mix of different offerings. Also offers bicycle or scooter sharing establish themselves more and more in use providers or public transport. This is the result of a regular survey carried out Car2go, Daimler and Europcar among its customers.

The percentage of people who reported to use car-sharing, once or several times a week increased in the course of the last year from 16 to 19 percent. The proportion of respondents, using car sharing offers several times a day, rose by 60 percent. While he is with 1.6 percent even in very low, but continued to grow.

At the same time more and more Car2go customers of CarSharing see not as a substitute, but as a supplement: decreased the percentage of respondents who use car-sharing only in exceptional cases, within the year 2016 by 24 percent to 18.9 percent.

Carsharing: Breathe deeply for cities

Also drops due to the increasing use of sharing offers, also the number of private cars. Surfaces can be saved up otherwise needed for parking. According to a forecast of the provider multi city 20,000 m2 of parking spaces have been saved through the use of the service in the year 2016 alone.

We are still very excited watch how mobility in metropolitan areas is further changed.

In regular samples, Car2go asked its users according to their mobility behaviour. The surveys are conducted quarterly. An average sample consists of 4000 to 7000 participants. (ampnet/jri)
