'CO2-emissions of cars in 2030 40% lower'

In the seat of the European Parliament in Staatsburg is negotiated on CO2 emissions by new cars in the future need to comply with. For 2021, the rules are clear, but for 2030 is discussed.

The European Parliament wants that the CO2-emissions of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in 2030 are 40 percent less than in the base year to 2021. The objective for 2021 is 95 g of CO2/km. For 2030, that would mean that the road transport emissions to be further reduced to 57 g CO2/km. That goes further than the 30 percent that the European Commission has proposed, but is less than the environment committee of the parliament with the support of the environmental ngos had demanded. They wanted a reduction of 45 percent compared to the 2021 standard.

The European Parliament, the EU member states and the European Commission must now negotiate a final standard. The Commission is concerned that the stricter standards are bad for the European car industry and the jobs it will cost. But they were adopted by Parliament with 389 against 239 votes. The member states will discuss the proposals next week for the first time. Especially the big car-producing countries, such as Germany, are standing in the way. The netherlands is for higher standards. Cars and vans make in Europe for about 15 percent of the CO2 emissions.

CDA member of the european parliament Annie Schreijer-Pierik, one of the initiators of the compromise, was pleased with the results. Also GroenLinks-mp Bass Eikhout is happy that the parliament is the need of ambitious legislation recognizes, but he had further to go. Milieudefensie speaks of a "good step", but according to the organization, this is still not enough to meet the climate of Paris. "This is a reduction of nearly 60 percent in 2030."

The European autobrancheorganisatie ACEA is clearly not satisfied. "We remain particularly concerned about the extremely aggressive CO2 reduction targets and the imposition of sales quotas for electric vehicles", the sectorlobby. "Consumers should not be forced to electric cars to buy, without the necessary infrastructure or incentives."
