2016 was the year of storage records

Munich, 17 January 2017

Germany's drivers suffer from a new sad record: In 2016, there was so much congestion on Germany's roads as never before: the Automobile Club ADAC registered 694,000 congestion compared to 2015 represents a 20 percent increase. However, not only the number of traffic jams is increased dramatically, even its length: overall were all congestion 1.378.000 kilometers long and 2015 were's 1.130.000 kilometers. And how long were the drivers now in the traffic jams? Registered dam hours indicates the Club with 419.000 after 341.000 in the previous year. In comparison to 2015 have placed to number, length and duration of traffic jams by about 20 percent.

Three provinces have the most traffic jams

About half of the traffic jam kilometers accounted for the three federal States of North Rhine-Westphalia (28 percent), Bavaria (21 percent) and Baden-Württemberg (13 percent). The five East German States of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony made together only seven per cent of the total length of the dam. Also in the number of traffic reports North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg are the top with a share of 60 percent three. This however must take into account, that in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg with 40 million inhabitants almost three times as many people live like in the five eastern Laender referred to and even more people than there live, go there.

A3: the most loaded

Of the nationally significant highways, the A-3 was the most loaded trunk road. 206 km traffic jam per kilometre of motorway have been registered on this route. The A-8 with 180 kilometer jam on third place ranks A 5 with 156 kilometers in second place. Particularly seriously affected sections were A 3 Oberhausen Cologne, the A-3 Frankfurt, Würzburg and A 8 Stuttgart Karlsruhe.

It was the longest traffic jam on July 29

September 30 was the richest by far jam day of the year 2016. To start in the long weekend with the day of German unity on 3 October, 11,200 kilometers jammed. Ranked two and three are the 4 October and the 13th of May. The longest 35 km traffic jam formed on Friday, July 29th on the A7 motorway between Hanover and Hamburg prior to the point in Schwarmstedt.

On Saturday at least congestion

The Jam's richest day of the week was the Friday with averaged around 5,000 kilometres traffic jam, there was the least congestion in the cut on Saturdays with 1,650 kilometers. The automobile club was the most congestion in September, followed by July and August. In previous years, the jam-richest month October was mostly. The increased attractiveness of Germany as a vacation destination and the higher proportion of cars for holiday travel are likely to have led to a shift of in emphasis of the storage in the summer months.

Increasing building activities

One reason for the increase is according to ADAC also in improved and more detailed recording of the traffic situation. The increase of construction activities by around 15 percent and further increases car mileage BASt is called the Federal Highway Research Institute the a expected to be 2.5 percent against 2015 have led to more congestion.

Even more congestion in the near future

To reduce congestion as far as possible, it is advisable to maintain the number of lanes at construction sites as possible. Also the times should be shortened by a stronger expansion of construction activities on the night hours. Given the numerous bottlenecks in the motorway network and the large pent-up demand for removal and remedial measures, as well as due to growing traffic forecast expects the ADAC also for 2017 with an increase in the traffic jams and disabilities in the long-distance road network. (ph)
