The nose is „full of character“

Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic), 25. August 2017

The at the Auto Shanghai in the spring of 2017, shown study Skoda Vision E is, in slightly modified Form at the auto trade fair, the IAA (12. - 24. To see September 2017). The SUV study with electric drive gets a more contoured Front: so far, pretty smooth nose now receives gap openings, whereby you "is still full of character". The upper gap suggests the shape of a typical Skoda grille. Further down there is left and right Openings, the guide may be the brakes of cooling air.

Extent as in the case of a Kodiaq coupe

With 4.67 meters in length, the car is almost exactly as big as the Skoda Kodiaq, the height is six inches lower. Thus, the study has approximately the dimensions you would expect from a Kodiaq coupe. Opposite-opening doors, the absence of a B-pillar and the sporty-looking, gigantic wheels, the coupé-like appearance strengthen.

Many of the Displays, and two health guardians

Inside there are four rotating individual seats. The driver looks at a Display that extends over the entire width of the dashboard. In addition, there is a Central touch-screen, and each passenger has a personal Monitor is available. By touch function, it can use about, for example, the Entertainment or the vehicle to retrieve the data. In each inner door side of a Box is integrated with the smart phones inductive charging. At the same time, it serves as an interface to Transfer the phone data to the personal Display in the car. An Eye Tracker the eye-tracking and a Heart Rate Monitor to monitor your heart rate monitor the Fitness of the driver – in the case of serious health problems, the car stops automatically.

Electric drive with 500 km range

The Vision of E allows for automated Driving at Level 3. An "Autopilot" which accelerates the car in highway driving independently, steers, brakes and swerves. The "Car Park Autopilot" to find available Parking spaces and steers the vehicle automatically there. Two electric motors with a system output of 306 horsepower driving all four wheels. The range is up to 500 kilometers, the Vision of E is inductively maximum Loaded speed at 180 km/h.(sl)
