Sell Audi and Daimler in september fell sharply

Both Audi as Daimler have their sales last month violently decline. Audi sold in Europe, 56 percent fewer cars than in the same month last year.

Audi in september worldwide 139.150 cars sold, 22 percent fewer than in the same month last year. In Europe, attacked the sales with 37.200 pieces 55,5 percent lower than in september 2017. In Audi's home country were the sales in september even with 69,4 percent compared to the same month last year.

Audi explains that in the past two months just exceptionally high sales figures, sales figures that are higher higher because the brand in large numbers voorraadmodellen registered, cars that-in sales were recorded, but not per definition on the name of a consumer. This puts Audi out that the verkoopgamma due to the introduction of the WLTP-method else looks because not all the engine versions by the WLTP-mangel " are met. However, " [ ... ] are still more versions available again," said interim CEO Bram Shot in a written statement. Shot says to expect sales throughout 2018, about as high from will fall as that of last year.

The sales of Audi names last month in China with a 12.5 percent increase compared with the same month last year. In North America, is a small plus of 1.2 percent.


Also, Daimler sold in september worldwide, fewer cars than in the same month last year, but so intense as when Audi went to the figures, not the bottom up. In september sold Mercedes-Benz worldwide 202.819 cars, 8.2 percent less than in the same month last year. Smart sold 10.850 then cars, a decrease of 15 percent compared to september 2017. In Europe, the sales of Smart and Mercedes-Benz together with 9.4 percent to 91.609 pieces. Over the first nine months of this year, Daimler in Europe a verkoopafname of 4.7 percent compared to the same period last year. In Asia, the sales over that period to 8.1 percent higher. Worldwide, the sales figures in the first nine months of this year, just 0.1 percent lower than last year.

In Germany itself, there is a decrease of 16.7 percent. In China, a growth of almost 7 percent (75.414 pieces) noted, while the sales in the United States with a small ten percent declined to 26.169 pieces.

Next week the ACEA all European sales figures are known.
