Juicy: You will see the hassle around Christian Horner in Drive to Survive

The investigation, the allegations; You're going to see it on Netflix

It is almost two months since Red Bull came out an investigation about the possible border -crossing behavior of Christian Horner. Rumors still come by every day around this whole event. What is certain is that the Saga around Christian Horner will be recorded in the following season of the Netflix series Drive to Survive.

DTS director James Gay-Rees confirms this in a conversation with [the UK/Formula-1/2024/03/29/James-Gay-Rees-Drive-to-Survive-Netflix-Christian-Horner/): ' in a certain quantity are cited and they want to have told it all in a certain way, so it's about following the right line so that everyone is happy-and about Netflix and ourselves happy 'gay-rees says they have no sleepless nights through The choices they have made.

So it is a bit the question of how Spicy is going to be the story in Drive to Survive. On the one hand, the Netflix series is known for thickening things, but you can imagine that the F1 bosses do not want all the details publicly. On the other hand, as an F1 fan, you can wonder how relevant the hassle for the sport.

According to Horner, it is all the fault of Netflix

The director of Drive to Survive spoke with Horner after the Red Bull investigation was announced. "That is what Christian \ [Horner ] said to me," It's all your mistake, "says Gay-Rees. It will undoubtedly be said with a wink. The director adds: "But apparently Lewis \ [Hamilton ] who lost the championship in 2021 all our"

Before the following season comes from Drive to Survive online, the F1 season must of course be held first. In previous years, Netflix launched the F1 series somewhere in February, just before the start of the new season. That will probably also be the case with the seventh season of Drive to Survive, in which the hassle around Christian Horner will come to the fore.
