Skoda brings the Kamiq

Mlada Boleslav (Czech Republic), 18. April 2018

It is about as like food: Every country has its own culinary preferences. What tastes good to the Chinese, says the German might, and Vice versa. Similarly, for cars as well as all the major manufacturers range of models to fit the local customs and practices, particularly in strong markets such as the USA or China. VW builds in America, the mighty Atlas, SUV, Mercedes shows coming soon at the Beijing Auto Show (29. April to 4. May, 2018) a A-class sedan for China. In the same place, Skoda presented a brand new SUV.

Is he hot Kamiq?

Surprising this is not, finally, Skoda now sells the most cars in China. In the next five years it plans to invest over two billion Euro, together with its Joint Venture Partner, SAIC (to build many VW running models from the tape) a number of new model series. Including several SUVs. One of these is the soon in Beijing to be seen in the vehicle, probably gets the name Kamiq.

A simple Relative of the Karoq

Skoda itself speaks yet only of a "Mainstream-City-SUV", the emphasis is probably less on the "City" because "Mainstream". The first sketches show a Similarity to the also sold in China Karoq, but the front fascia is different. The radiator grille and headlights form a single unit. Fixed: It is not that small SUV, which the study Vision X took at the Geneva Salon in 2018 in advance. Rather, the vehicle is a kind of local simplified Alternative to the Karoq. Instead of the modular transverse Toolkit (MQB) as the Karoq the Chinese VW Lavida is intended to provide the platform. This pushes the price, as well as the on-site production.(rh)
