Pilot project with digital keys The Volvo as a packet station

The Volvo as a packet station

Since you can be " Prime" customer or order by express - it is only briefly not at home when the package is delivered with the order online, but it takes longer again until the item is finally here. If you have a Volvo front of the house, it should go faster in future.

The car should be now more than just pure transport - status symbol, joker or an expression of a lifestyle - the car manufacturers have realized a long time and know how to use. What is new is that a vehicle may also have a completely different practical utility that facilitates its owner everyday life: The Swedish manufacturer Volvo, the car acts as a packet station.

At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona make the Swedes before a delivery service, to be delivered directly to their car at the ordered goods on the Internet. For a digital key is created, the the car owner can release for the mailman in the short term.

The new technique is based on the telematics app Volvo on Call, which the owner can already access remotely on his car today. In the future, he may indicate his car when shopping online as ordered from. If the delivery note goods (or pick up ) wants, the user will be notified by phone or tablet. Then he gives a digital key for the neurotransmitter released and can track it when the car is opened and then closed. After completion of the delivery of the digital key goes out.

© Volvo also for the delivery service it may be more practical to deliver in the car and not have to ring the bell several times at the receiver   The general aim was to find solutions that could be used intuitively and easily and in everyday life would bring benefits justified Volvo-CIO Klas Bendrik the idea of ​​Sweden times to use the car differently. Through a partnership with telecom service provider Ericsson Volvo explores various concepts for networked vehicle. " Deliveries to the car are directly only a first example of this ," said Bendrik.

The need for such a technique, it is the view of Sweden on hand: Although online shopping is becoming more popular, problems with the delivery of the ordered goods often associated. Delivery services would have to deliver their products on average 2.8 times, until they reached the receiver, so the manufacturer. In a pilot project with the new lining technique have confirmed 86 of 100 participants to have saved by the flexible service time, 92 testers found it more convenient to order the car instead of getting delivered at home.

The new technology is currently being tested and will continue to come as part of Volvo on Call on the market. When, however, is not yet known.
