Driving the Lamborghini Revuelto: the first plug-in hybrid Lambo

Does a Lamborghini with electric motors still feel like a real Lambo?

For a long time, Lamborghini felt like the last remaining dinosaur desperately screaming for the electric car's meteorite impact. That time is over. The Lamborghini Revuelto embraces the new era. It replaces the Aventador, bringing the Revuelto into the bloodline of Lambo's greatest monsters. But what is it like to drive the Lamborghini Revuelto with three electric motors and a 6.5-liter V12 that together produce more than 1,000 hp?

Well, at least reversing is possible in complete silence, because the Revuelto uses electricity for that. When you move forward again, the controls are advanced, as is the input from the e-motors. When upshifting, you no longer have to worry about a hole in the back of your head or whiplash from the impact forwards and backwards. Nice.

There's also more space in the cabin – hallelujah. The chairs no longer feel like pews, but embrace and pamper you. Also while driving the Lamborghini Revuelto on the Vallelunga circuit in Rome. We also discuss charging, the new chassis and we will drive the Revuelto a lot more. View the images below.
