Court: Tesla-taxis are free to continue to load

Tesla should, in spite of to dangerous situations, keeping to his promise that Tesla taxi owners free charging at Tesla Superchargers. A taxi driver had a case brought against the automaker after Tesla an attempt was made to get back to scribbling.

Reports that Automotive Management on the basis of rechtbankverslagen. It appears that the judge ruled that the car manufacturer his promise may not break. The brand promised in 2014 to a group of taxi drivers that they are free of charge and unlimited in their cars were charging at the Tesla Superchargers around the European headquarters. An Amsterdam taxi driver was to the right stepped on after Tesla at the beginning of this year an email was sent in which the trademark complained of long queues and dangerous situations. Because of the nuisance wild Tesla access between seven a.m. and ten o'clock in the evening limit.

According to the court, did Tesla have to take into account with an increase of owners that the expensive taxi would be to buy partly due to the commitment of the unlimited free of charge. Further, should Tesla take steps to make charging with the Superchargers in better jobs and may the brand the taxi drivers are not treated differently than other customers who are entitled to free electricity.
