Board quake in Ingolstadt

It was already speculated, it is now official: Audi will exchange four members of the Board. The for ten years President of the Board of management Chairman Rupert Stadler will be allowed to keep his Post, however, despite still-unexplained role in the exhaust gas scandal.

The sales Manager must go

The Department of Finance, IT and integrity accepts 1. September 2017, the 55-year-old Alexander Seitz. So far at SAIC-Volkswagen in China, the active Manager follows Axel Strotbek. For the recently launched (and quite controversial) new model names within the Audi series, Marketing signed and sales Director Dietmar Voggenreiter responsible. He will be replaced by Dutchman Bram Schot (56). Schot was since 2012, when VW commercial vehicles also on the Board of management for Marketing and sales.

VW-Müller is silent to Stadler

For the area of personnel and organization Wendelin Göbel (53) is in the future responsible. Goebel replaces Thomas Sigi, and was previously head of the General Secretariat of the Volkswagen group. The new Production Director Peter Kössler (58) follows Hubert Waltl. Kössler was previously Chairman of the Board of Audi Hungary. In the country, the group manufactures, among other things, the TT. In terms of the future of Audi-Chef Rupert Stadler, Michael Müller, the group expressed the boss of Volkswagen: "the Last time Audi went through a difficult Phase, but has all the requirements to be in the mobility world of tomorrow," says Müller.(rh)
