Tesla rolls out Software 9.0 from in the United States

Tesla is in the United States started the roll-out of Software Version 9.0, the latest version of the software that allows the Model S, Model X and Model 3 rests.

Tesla is known to the wireless update of the software of his car, a software that more than once new features to the models add. At present, the North American Tesla owners ' knowledge with Software Version 9, an update package, which of course again a lot of interesting things hidden.

First, there are adjustments to the Tesla application for mobile phones. With the app, it is from now on possible to a destination that you have on your device have searched for, by sending to the navigation system of the car. In addition, all passengers are now via their mobile phone and the Tesla app, the multimedia operate the vehicle. The director of this function can itself turn on or off.

Who has a Tesla that after August 2017, is produced and whose car so about 'Hardware 2.5', which need not be a dashcam to buy. The camera on the front of the car, since the new software version, namely act as a dashcam. However, you must own a USB stick with a storage capacity of a minimum of 1.8 gigabytes in the car prick. There is up to 10 minutes of footage to save.

Tesla adds now all the applications in the App Launcher, and adds three new applications to the package, among other things, an application that the energy consumption is to monitor. Tesla fits further the layout of the menus and the in the digital display hidden buttons for the operation of the heated rear seats, heated steering wheel and heated windshield wipers now one cup under. More news? Sure. Tesla promises its AutoPilot capabilities soon to expand and says that with the new feature, Navigate on Autopilot, a set of adjustments that the Autopilot system, among others, also via the navigation system is to activate. Tesla adds a 360-degree view functionality applies and, among other things, the dodehoekdetectie. That system collects data from now on, not only from the ultrasonic sensors, but now also from the camera's on the side and to the rear of the car. Good news for those of you who enjoy playing an old computer game: who z a Tesla in P set, classic Atari games can play games via the touchscreen or via the steering wheel to operate. Tesla calls the latest addition to the 'easteregg', and does so just under the cap how the gamefunctie have to activate it.

In the United States, Software Version 9.0 already rolled out Have some patience.
