?? The infrastructure charge ?? comes

Berlin, 27 March 2015

The Bundestag passed the controversial toll for cars with the voices of the grand coalition. The Bundestag, confirming the bill of Federal Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU ). The so-called " infrastructure levy" is introduced in early 2016.

Costs depending on engine capacity and emission standards

Driver of domestic cars must then acquire an electronic annual vignette. Prices are based on engine capacity and emission standards. Per section of 100 cubic centimeters fall for the annual vignette from 1.80 EUR ( Euro 6 petrol engine) and 9.50 EUR ( € 3 or worse, diesel motor). The cost is capped at 130 euros. On vehicles with German registration vignette costs are offset by the decline in the future road tax return. Example: A qualified under € 6 VW Polo 1.2 2014 you pay for the vignette 21,60 € ( 1,80 € twelve times for 1,198 cc ). The road tax is so far at 62 euros per year. To compensate for the tax will continue to be reduced to 38 euros, so that in this case even gives a little relief from 2.40 euros per year.

Ten days for ten euros

Drivers of cars registered in Germany can not (besides a year and a two-month vignette ) at a ten - day vignette ?? via the Internet or at petrol stations. Depending on the pollutant class will cost 5, 10 or 15 euros. The additional revenue through the car toll estimates the Federal Ministry of Transport to about 500 million euros per year. This number is however held by transport experts for much too high.

User contributions instead of tax financing

Dobrindt said at the debate in the Bundestag, so that the streets would in future be financed by the user instead of by the taxpayer. When the Germans agreement and disagreement of the car toll hold broadly balanced. According to the ZDF political barometer of February 2015 for 48 percent, 49 percent are opposed.

"With me there will be no toll for cars. "

In opposition parties and many associations, the law, however, met with criticism. Thus saith the ACV Automobile Association traffic from a " absurd transport policy project". The ADAC points out that only foreigners are asked by a toll to checkout in any other country in Europe, while residents are spared. The Confederation Nature Conservation ( BUND) criticized the lack of ecological control effect and demanded instead an intelligent and usage-based toll. Similar is the position of the Greens. They also remember the promise Angela Merkel, with her it would not be such a levy. FDP leader Christian Lindner lashed out at the toll as " Stammtisch policy ", " bureaucratic monster " and " boring law of the decade ".

Application to the Court is expected

The Federal Council will deal with the toll - law, but can not stop it. But even after the entry into force of the law is the subject probably still on the table. Because it threatens infringement proceedings before the European Court of Justice ( ECJ) because of discrimination against foreign drivers. However, a decision of the ECJ would be well to wait several years away . ( sl)
